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OSPRA 2020-21 Mentorship Program

Mon, September 28, 2020 11:56 AM | Emily Reverman

This year, the Oregon School Public Relations Association (OSPRA) launched it's new member mentorship program. 

Studies show that employees with mentors are five times more likely to get promoted. Studies have also shown that managerial productivity increased by 88 percent when managers held mentorship roles, versus only 24 percent with manager training alone.

For mentees, this is an incredible opportunity for you to connect with a regional mentor who can offer you insight, advice, and a partner in problem-solving – and help you navigate the next stage of your career.

For mentors, this is a great opportunity to give back to the school communications community, become a better leader, and refine your own skills and networks – and to gain a fresh perspective from your mentee.

Both mentors and mentees offer wisdom and creative partnership to each other. There’s no experience requirement to be a mentor or experience limit to be a mentee, only a time commitment of 1-2 hours of communication per month.

If you have any questions about the OSPRA mentorship program, please reach out to professional development committee chair Emily Abellera by emailing info@oregonschoolprg.org. 

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